
What is HTML Links?

HTML links are elements within an HTML document that allow you to navigate to other pages or resources on the web. Links are usually displayed as underlined or colored text, and when you click on them, they take you to another location on the web, such as another web page, a video, an image, a document, or even an email address.

HTML links are created using the "a" (anchor) tag and the "href" attribute. The href attribute specifies the URL or file path of the resource that the link points to.

Syntax of a HTML link-

Fig.1 - diagram of a HTML link

In the above picture we used a tag to create a link and the "href" attribute specifies the URL of the web page you want to link to. When the user clicks on the link text, the browser will navigate to that page.

Example of a HTML link-

<a href="" > Google  </a>  

Here we use title attribute for <p> element and the value of the title element is "i am a tooltip". when users move the cursor over the text ( I'm a paragraph ) it shows the value of that title.

You can also create links that navigate to different sections within the same web page by using the "id" attribute to define anchor points within the document. For example:

Example of a html link using id

<a href="#section2" > link to section 2  </a>  
<h2 id="section2" > section 2  <  ;/a>  

In this example, the link will navigate to the section of the page with the "section2" id when clicked.

Uses of html links

HTML links are versatile and can be used for many purposes, including:

  • Navigation: You can use links to create a menu or navigation system that allows users to move around your website easily.

  • References: You can link to other pages or resources that provide more information about a particular topic. This is especially useful when writing research papers or articles.

  • Social media: You can use links to share your social media profiles or link to your content on social media platforms.

  • Email: You can create links that open up an email client and pre-populate the recipient, subject, and body of the email.

  • Downloads: You can use links to allow users to download files, such as PDFs or images.

HTML links can also be used to link to email addresses. Here's an example that creates a clickable link that opens a user's email client with a new message:

<a href="" > send an email  </a>  

Overall, HTML links are a fundamental part of web development and are used extensively to create the interconnected web we use every day.